A cutting-edge project ...
MacaKit is a project aimed at sensitizing people of all ages to the issue of biodiversity conservation. Observing the life cycle of the most beautiful European butterfly is a formidable, fascinating and educational teaching tool. MacaKit is inexpensive and easy to use.
The kit contains:
-1 sachet with 20 gr of special powdered feed;
-1 container for cooking the feed;
-1 35ml measuring cup;
- sterile stirrers for feed handling;
-1 dome for the breeding of the V stage;
-1 transparent house for flickering;
- supports for chrysalises;
- toothpick;
-1 petri dish containing the caterpillars.
You will be able to actively contribute to the conservation of the swallowtail.
Breeding caterpillars in your home and freeing them in the wild once they have become a butterfly will give them the opportunity to reproduce.
The experience does not end with the kit, but continues by learning how to attract butterflies to your garden or balcony through the use of particular essences of plants and flowers.
The swallowtail, like other meadow butterflies, is undergoing a strong decline mainly due to the disappearance of the habitat (uncultivated meadows) and the incorrect management of the few remaining green areas. Know, act, save biodiversity!
IMPORTANT NOTE: MacaKit IS NOT A TOY, but an educational and awareness tool for ecological and environmental issues. Due to its particular nature we recommend the supervision of an adult in the management of the kit by children under the age of fourteen.
Downloads and insights
Below you will find the instruction files to download, other interesting contents and useful information. The video tutorial will be uploaded soon!
1) Find out the reasons for the project
2) MacaKit fact sheets
3) MacaKit instructions
4) Didactic material for
5) Small and simple manual on
how to create a butterfly oasis
6) Ppt presentation on the life cycle
for teachers (to be used in class) Download